[en] In between perpetuations and mutations : ethnography of forest uses by the Finnic communities





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Forest ecosystems, living forests. How do usages, management options and social practices interact with wildlife in the forest? - 2019-03-26 / 2019-03-27 - Chambord - France

Mots clés en

enEnvironmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecology
enEnvironmental Sciences/Environment and Society
enEnvironmental Sciences/Global Changes
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Cultural heritage and museology
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Geography
enHumanities and Social Sciences/History, Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Political science
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology
enHumanities and Social Sciences/Sociology
enFinnic peoples
enForest uses
enAdaptive co-management
enHuman-Nature relationship

Date de publication

Langue du document



[en] This paper presents and analyses the uses of the forest among the Finnic peoples. The Finnic peoples form the Western group of Finno-Ugric peoples; several of them are minority peoples. They live in Scandinavia, Estonia, Latvia, Russia and Estonia. Close to nature, and generally living in rural areas (isolated settlements, or forest villages), the representations and symbols of these peoples are underpinned by a particular cosmogony, marked by deeply rooted human-nature relations. The boreal forest is the environment in which fenenic societies have settled, forming a unique social-ecological system (SES). The communication shows the different traditional uses of the forest among these communities, and questions their perpetuation and sustainability. At the same time, changes affecting these uses, whether environmental (climate change) or socio-economic and political (e. g. enclosures), and the adaptive strategies implemented (adaptive co-management, ethno-expertise, etc.) are discussed. The communication is based on ethnographic field surveys conducted since 2015 in these territories.
[fr] Cette communication expose et analyse les usages de la forêt chez les peuples fenniques. Les peuples fenniques forment le groupe occidental des peuples finno-ougriens ; plusieurs d'entre eux sont des peuples minoritaires. Ils vivent en Scandinavie, Estonie, Lettonie, et Russie. Proches de la nature, et vivants généralement en zone rurale (habitat isolé, ou en villages forestiers), les représentations et symboliques de ces peuples sont sous-tendues par une cosmogonie particulière, empreinte de rapports Homme-Nature fortement ancrés. La forêt boréale constitue l'environnement au sein duquel les sociétés fenniques se sont installées, formant un socio-écosystème (SES) unique. La communication montre les différents usages traditionnels de la forêt chez ces communautés, et interroge leurs perpétuations et leurs soutenabilités. Parallèlement, sont évoquées les mutations affectant ces usages, qu'elles soient environnementales (changement climatique), ou socio-économiques et politiques (enclosures par exemple), et les stratégies adaptatives mises en place (co-gestion adaptative, ethno-expertise, etc.). La communication s'appuie sur des enquêtes ethnographiques de terrain menées depuis 2015 sur ces territoires.

Titre alternatif

[fr] Entre perpétuations et mutations : ethnographie des usages forestiers chez les peuples fenniques



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Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Citation bibliographique

Anatole Danto, Kristina Likhacheva. In between perpetuations and mutations : ethnography of forest uses by the Finnic communities. Forest ecosystems, living forests. How do usages, management options and social practices interact with wildlife in the forest?, IRSTEA; Université de Tours; UMR 7324 CITERES; CNRS; Domaine National de Chambord; INSA Centre-Val de Loire, Mar 2019, Chambord, France. [hal-02080557]

Citer cette ressource

[en] In between perpetuations and mutations : ethnography of forest uses by the Finnic communities, dans Études nordiques, consulté le 18 Octobre 2024, https://etudes-nordiques.cnrs.fr/s/numenord/item/11466