[en] Scandinavian finds of the Great Migration Period from Bolshoy Tyuters Island
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Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory
Great Migration Period
Tyuters Island
Scandinavian objects
Mots clés ru
эпоха переселения народов
остров Большой Тютерс
скандинавские вещи
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[en] This work is devoted to the traces of the presence of Scandinavians at the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland during the later phase of the Great Migration Period. Penetration by the Scandinavians of the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland, from where the system of riverine routes in East Europe begins, is recorded archaeologically since the first half of the 6th cen. Firstly, notable are finds from the island of Bolshoy Tyuters (Tytärsaari) which held an important strategic position on communications of the Gulf of Finland.THese finds include primarily a silver symmetric fibula in the first Germanic animal style. It belongs to a ratherconsiderable series of the first variant relief “equal-arm” clasps from the Great Migration Period with elongatedtongue-like plates rounded at the ends and with the maximum expansion near the bow. ese artefacts are datingfrom the period within the first half — middle of the 6th cen. e equal-arm bulae are widely distributed in Svealand, Norrland and Ostrobothnia. They are particularly concentrated in Middle Sweden and in the southern part of Norrland. The widely known workshops of Helgö in Middle Sweden were possibly the place of their manufacture.The other artefacts found on Tyuters — buckles, mounts and a three-part bronze element of belt fittings in thefirst animal style, also belong to the Scandinavian tradition having parallels in Middle Sweden. In the opinion of some researchers, the Scandinavian objects demonstrate that Bolshoy Tyuters during the Great Migration Period, not later than the rst half of the 6th cen., became a base of merchants or pirates, possibly of Scandinavian origin. However, also another interpretation of the nds from Tyuters has been proposed. It is of signi-cance that in Kaunismäki, handmade pottery has been found of the Finnish type usual both for Estonia and Finlandin the Bronze and Iron Ages. ese nds suggest a Baltic-Finnic character of the insular population being at variance with the latter’s Scandinavian provenance. Anyway, the appearance of Scandinavian objects on Bolshoy Tyutersindicates contacts between Scandinavia and the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland where the water routes via thenorthern region of East Europe began. It is apparently from that moment that we can speak about the Scandinavianpresence on East-European riverine routes.
Titre alternatif
[ru] Скандинавские находки эпохи Великого переселения народов с острова Большой Тютерс
Nom de la revue
Archologitcheskie Vesti / Археологические вести / Archaeological news
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Public Domain
Citation bibliographique
Michel M Kazanski. Скандинавские находки эпохи Великого переселения народов с острова Большой Тютерс. Archologitcheskie Vesti / Археологические вести / Archaeological news, 2023, 39, pp.66-74. [10.31600/1817-6976-2023-39-66-74]. [hal-04116424]
Citer cette ressource
[en] Scandinavian finds of the Great Migration Period from Bolshoy Tyuters Island,
dans Études nordiques,
consulté le 15 Mars 2025, https://etudes-nordiques.cnrs.fr/s/numenord/item/18201